Thursday, February 25, 2010

No gold for me

Even though I didn't officially sign up for the Knitting Olympics, I was hoping to medal, at least in my own mind. But it's not going to happen. I met my first goal, which was to finish the body of the shawl by Sunday, but the border is going much slower. My work schedule is very busy this week (good for the bank account, bad for knitting time), and there's too many other events going on in addition. I just don't have the time to knit.

The border seemed very challenging at first, but I've got the hang of it now, so it's going pretty smoothly, but not quickly. Here's a pic:

Blurry, I know.

I'm still working on Tom's sweater, when I can't take the lace-knitting any longer. I'm knitting the two sleeves at once and, as usual, it seems to take forever. At least they'll both be done at once.

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