Saturday, March 27, 2010

FO, for a change

Tom's Cambridge sweater is finished! I'm 95% happy with it. The back bottom edge keeps curling up, despite the crocheted edge and steaming the heck out of it. It's better, but not perfect. Still, it's finished.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Still on that border

I'm still not done with the Shetland shawl. This border is taking forever. It's hard, takes a lot of concentration, and tires my hands hand out. One pattern repeat only uses up 5 stitches, and I started with over 570. I'm down to around 150, so I my new goal it to be done by Easter.

In the meantime, I've started crocheting granny squares. I needed something easy and portable keep with me, and I didn't want to start another pair of simple socks. So I"m using up all sorts of bits and pieces, and I'll decide what to do with them when they're all done.

Tom's sweater is almost finished. I bought the zipper today, and I need to check if I have the right colour thread. Then it's hand sew in the zipper, steam block the seams, and I'm done!

Forest Path is on hold until Shetland is done.

Sleeves for Oblique are growing slowly but steadily.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Down for the count

As predicted, I didn't finish my Olympic knitting, and now I'm stalled on it. I've completely wiped out my back yesterday, and I can't sit up long enough, or concentrate long enough, to do any complicated knitting. I think I also have a urinary tract infection, which is making things generally uncomfortable. I really need to work tomorrow, at least in the morning, but I also want to see my doctor.

I have been knitting, easy things I can do lying down. I finished the sleeves for Tom's sweater. Next is blocking, which I'm not going to do until my back is better. I've started serious work on the sleeves for my sweater, again doing them two at once. It's definitely the way to go with sleeves!

I haven't touched my Forest Path Stole in weeks. I still want to finish the Shetland Tea Shawl before I go back to it (especially because I can then switch my Addi Lace Turbo's to the FPS). I hope I don't forget everything I was doing.
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